girls generation <3

Saturday, February 7, 2009

hello! today when i came down from the lift, i saw UNCLE WINSTON! he say he finding his friend! and i was shocked! then me and my mother go down the steps. then we go and eat mcdonalds! i long time dun have eat already.

~ThAt'S aLl fOr nOw!~

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

srry for not posting this days! today, i have tuition at 4.30 and end at 6.00. at that time, i am very bored! but my tuition teacher is very good! better than the last time one lor! and lucky today before going to tuition i sign out. if i don't sign out, uncle winston will give me a warning! than i have to WRITE LINES!!! and at road half way, my tuition teacher say want to bring bicycle becaurse need to walk so long.

~that's all for now!~