girls generation <3

Sunday, October 3, 2010

hi everyone! exams period now ): will try even harder
to make my results better than mye! cos my dad said
that if my results were good, he will give me a BIG
present!:D so i'm gonna study very very very hard for
it!(: but idw stress!): kay bye, gtg!

Friday, August 27, 2010

hi everyone! well, i'm so bored
that's why i'm updating now...
sigh... today is miss thor and
miss han last day in school, so sad...
will miss them so much! ): they are the
only one who cared about us and when we
have troubles, they talked to us... sigh...
wish both of them all the best and hope they
will come back and visit us again... a short
post, cos i have nth better to say liao. bye.. ):

Sunday, August 22, 2010

hi everyone! sorry for not updating.
i'm lazy. well, now i'm updating!(:
well, it's gonna be a short post as i
don't have any thing to say. oh ya!
later, i'm gonna practise cooking
bee hoon. cos this wed, have he test.
wish me luck!;D well, gonna go, bye.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

hi everyone! sorry for not updating, well,
now i'm updating!:D yesterday, went swimming
with pamela and sy, so damn fun, but hit my
head and scratch my leg, it's ok now. so
sad xz didn't come, she has cca from morning till
evening! so damn long ): xz: read this, i'm not angry
with u ok? get this fact right :) hope next time when
we go swimming, xz can come. so my post end here, bye

Saturday, July 17, 2010

hi everyone! sorry for not updating. i'm bored now
so i update!(: just changed blogskin, chatbox... all thanks
to jia jia (: hope u all like my blog! short post, bye bye

Saturday, June 26, 2010

hi everyone! sorry for not updating. i'm very busy
cos got tons of hw ): E-LEARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
need to print out alot of things 2. but just now, i just
went to sy's house to do hw. at least i'm done with
some liao (: now i'm bored, so i'm updating. now
i gtg, bye

Friday, May 28, 2010

hi everyone! sorry for not updating...
gonna say about today's outing with xz,
jia jia(xz's sis) and shi ya.. it was fun! we watched
shrek forever after... was funny.. we go take
neoprint 2! :D jia jia so cute... (: but pamela can't go...
): so saddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd...
sigh, nth to say liao... so, byebye... and oh ya! my results...
i failed 2... which is geography and history... but at least lower
than 3! :D ok liao... BYE BYE!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

hello everyone!:D sorry for not updating...
awy, i want to tell u guys something, but
promise not to tell anyone... th thing is
APPEAR IN MY LIFE!!! awy, u know who is
pig? it's TH STUPID CAILY!!! and th gou,

Thursday, May 13, 2010

hi everyone... sorry for not updating...
i 've told u be4, EXAMS... yeah, left
1 more paper to go! jia you!(: in fact,
jia you for th whole gmss and some other
friends who were also taking exams..
i gtg ler, byebye and good luck!(;

Saturday, May 8, 2010

hi everyone! sorry for not updating this weeks...
busy preparing for exams!!! i hate exams...):
espacially literature and history!!! next mon is
geograghy!!! i hate it!!!): i have to say good luck
to myself liao lo... gtg ler, byebye! and wish everyone
good luck! (;

Thursday, April 29, 2010

hi everyone! sorry for not updating...
cos im busy for exams!!! yesterday
is english... today is chinese.....
btw, later i going overseas liao... so
cant update... going my auntie's house...(:
haha hehe... nth to say liao... byebye

Saturday, April 10, 2010

hi everyone!!! sorry for not updating...
cos my comp got some problem connecting
with th internet... hehe... got nth to do
that's y im updating... sigh.... just went to my
school's carnival... so boring lor... but th interesting
part is that some of my friends in my cca performing!!!
:D they danced very nice leh... hehe haha... LOL...
gtg ler, byebye. (:

Friday, February 5, 2010

hello!:D sorry for not updating this dsys... lazy to update...
yesterday had my cca, my leg damm pain lor! now still pain leh!):
but its ok, can be flexible!:D LOL! short post... gtg! bb...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

hi guys! sorry for not posting,... lazy to update...
wish to find out about my cca... :D
school website says that it will be known by
latest tuesday[2 feb]... :D so bored... ):
awy, i gtg... byebye...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hello huiyi here.
i m her mei ...
help her to out blogger smth..
gotta go..

Thursday, January 7, 2010

hi guys! srry for not updating this days...
i had been in my school camp!<3
th games was so damm fun!<3
yesterday we had our camp fire night...
walao! each class has to perform leh!):
we are th second one... walao...):
awys, short post! i gtg... bye!