girls generation <3

Sunday, December 27, 2009

hello! im back! srry for not updating...:(
btw,3 more days to 2010!(: cant wait...
btw,first day of school, meeting huiyi
outside th general office...<3 awy,
short post and i gtg! bye...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

hello again!srry for not updating...
im busy playing!(:
today is th sec one orientation...
so happy manxzc!(:,get into gmss...
but still so unlucky,... u want to know y?
cos there are some irritating people in my
class! #@*#@#! #@##*@! i thought there will
be some new friends from another school...
haixzc,... nvm... awys, i gtg! bye~

Thursday, November 26, 2009

hi again! today i get back
my PSLE results liao...
get into normal academic!:D
at least can past! i want
175 or higher! but in th
end, cannot... nvm...
teacher say sec 1 if u
do very well, u can get
into express... so
i will and i must!
awys, gtg! BYE!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

hello again!:D
today went bugis with
and sinyao... we then go
LAN!<3 play wenmin's friend
audi account... i dunno how to play!
th com was freaking slow! hate it!:(
watching yufang and douce play!<3
oh! btw,douce lost her phone!:(
sadddddddddddd...we go take neoprint!<3
then home sweet home!:)
awys, gtg! so, BYE!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

hi again!... so saddd... today last day of school,
will miss 6peace! :D i got alot to say...

even though u scold us,
we will still remember u...
i some times hate u, but
a few days, i dont hate u...
god bless u and have a happy retirement!:D

jiao hui;
u are a very good friend!
i will miss u! even though u
never give me your hp num,
i can still talk to u on
facebook! loveee u!:D

u are a good friend too!
even though u are not good at stress,
its ok... i will miss u too!

cai zi;
i will miss u!
even though u win me in stress,
i will not give up!
we even got th same phone!:D
will loveee u!

jia jing;
u some times its quite irritating,
but its ok... will miss u!

i forgot to take picture with u,
nvm... will loveee u and miss u!

hui xin;
ty for being my good friend,
we been together from p1-3...
i will miss u and loveee u!

sok hui;
u are a very good friend!
i will miss u and loveee u!

u are a good friend too!
u cheer me up whenever im emo...
will miss u and loveee u!

yu fang;
jie, i dont know
whether we will be in th same school
next year, but will keep in contact kays?
will miss u and loveee u!

jie,holidays must go out kays?
will miss u and loveee u!

jie,even though i had just
known u a few weeks ago,
i will miss u and love u
if u go other school...
so,keep in contact kays?

Dont be sad if your
name its not here...
i will still miss u!
awy,i gtg,so bye!

Monday, November 16, 2009

hi again! yesterday i went bugis with cathryn,yufang,douce and hui kai?(i think)...
we go watch 2012,so shiock and scary... haha... walao, my father want me
to be at home by 6pm:( i want bei cathryn,douce and yufang go lan:D
we went iluma to watch 2012,i go buy th cracker, so ex leh...
awy,i gtg, so bye...

Saturday, October 31, 2009

hi guys! i'm back again! srry for not updating this days...>< yesterday i dont need to go centre!!! :D cos quit liao ma... yea , have freedom ler! my jie yufang also :D i'm still worried for th PSLE result leh... nvm, must have confidence in yourself... awy, i gtg , so i next time than talk to u all!:)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

hi guys! srry for nt posting... i'm busy... awy, i'm going to update ler, so you all can read:D especially my friend wen min... sianxzc... bored... btw, yesterday PSLE marking just finish ler... so worried lor... hope can get into a good school... i'm so happy cos left 6 more days to quit centre... yea! dont need to listen to th fucking teachers in th centre... awy, gtg. so bye

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

hi again!
monday was douce birthday and me,wen min,douce and yufang go out again!
we go vivo city play water, wen min played with yufang and yufang's t-shirt
got wet! OMG! wen min and me also.douce's skirt wet a little bit lah.
after playing,we eat lunch at burger king:) after eating, we go pet shop. th
pets so cutee lors~ after tht, we go watch movie. we watch where got ghost.
a bit scary and funny leh. after tht, we go hme liao. quite fun lah, at least can
go out. :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

hi again... srry for nt posting this days... i'm busy preparing for my exam... EXAMS COMING!... THIS THURSDAY AND FRIDAY... OMG...:0... sian... i think i have to post something else...

mrs theva,
teachers day is coming, i thank you for what u done to us...:)
i appreciate it... i will try to get an B or C for my exams...

miss chan,
thank you also... i will try to get an A or B for my exams...

mrs seah and miss toh,
thank you for teaching me music and art...
sometimes u maybe fierce... but still a BIG
hello :D!
i'm not peijoo here...
i'm yufang!
haaaaax, i changed blogskin for her, added in a tagboard. ;D
the rest she'll do it herself bah.......
oh well, bye then!

Monday, August 10, 2009

hi people! i've just came back from malaysia this boring lor!:( btw, yufang go out with douce today. so sad... i cannot.:( i can only sms yufang and ask her wht they were doing...... haix, so sian ler... tht's y i'm posting!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

hi people! srry for nt posting this days. let me tell u wht happen this week or rather last week. last sunday, which is my birthday. i'm so excited. cause tht day was th first time i'm going out with my friends. at morning, i usually go to church, then my father come and fetch me. then i prepare myself and walked to th mrt station. oh nearly forgot, u know who i go out with? douce,yufang and wenmin.i meet them at there. then, we go to bugis to take neoprint.after tht, we go to mc to eat lunch.douce like suddenly so quiet lor. dun want to eat or talk. then we go to another bugis shopping mall to play arcade. u know wht we play? dance revolution. we played tht like about 2\3 hrs lor. so fun ler. then we go to escape, we go to th haunted house. me,douce,wenmin and yufang was like so scared men. we keep shouting here and there. then we go to play wet and wild. i was with yf and douce was with wm. me and yf keep shouting. then we end up whole t-shirt wet. later, we meet elizabeth. we go and play th thing[boat], i was like so scared lor. than we go to tampiness to eat dinner. i order fries cause waiting for d and yf. left me and wm. suddenly wm drag me to th toilet. then we come out, i was shocked, d and yf prepare a cake and their presents. after eating my dinner, i go hme after saying bye to d and yf. this is my best birthday ever! :)

Friday, April 24, 2009

shawn tan SIAO THE !
keep comparing the mark =.=
hah , keep scold PEIJOO , or even call her NAMES ?!
OH , BTW , IM REGINA , help peijoo to update ;
well she nehhber update mah :D
soo i help:D

Saturday, February 7, 2009

hello! today when i came down from the lift, i saw UNCLE WINSTON! he say he finding his friend! and i was shocked! then me and my mother go down the steps. then we go and eat mcdonalds! i long time dun have eat already.

~ThAt'S aLl fOr nOw!~

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

srry for not posting this days! today, i have tuition at 4.30 and end at 6.00. at that time, i am very bored! but my tuition teacher is very good! better than the last time one lor! and lucky today before going to tuition i sign out. if i don't sign out, uncle winston will give me a warning! than i have to WRITE LINES!!! and at road half way, my tuition teacher say want to bring bicycle becaurse need to walk so long.

~that's all for now!~

Friday, January 2, 2009

~my new class~

yesterday, i go to a new class. u know what i go to? i go to 6 peace! it was beside my best friends class! i'm so happy. my form teacher is mrs theva. and my brother say that i'm in the best class! WOW! i dunno leh! and my form teacher mrs theva last year also teach my brother leh! 6 hope.

~that's all for now byes!~