girls generation <3

Sunday, August 2, 2009

hi people! srry for nt posting this days. let me tell u wht happen this week or rather last week. last sunday, which is my birthday. i'm so excited. cause tht day was th first time i'm going out with my friends. at morning, i usually go to church, then my father come and fetch me. then i prepare myself and walked to th mrt station. oh nearly forgot, u know who i go out with? douce,yufang and wenmin.i meet them at there. then, we go to bugis to take neoprint.after tht, we go to mc to eat lunch.douce like suddenly so quiet lor. dun want to eat or talk. then we go to another bugis shopping mall to play arcade. u know wht we play? dance revolution. we played tht like about 2\3 hrs lor. so fun ler. then we go to escape, we go to th haunted house. me,douce,wenmin and yufang was like so scared men. we keep shouting here and there. then we go to play wet and wild. i was with yf and douce was with wm. me and yf keep shouting. then we end up whole t-shirt wet. later, we meet elizabeth. we go and play th thing[boat], i was like so scared lor. than we go to tampiness to eat dinner. i order fries cause waiting for d and yf. left me and wm. suddenly wm drag me to th toilet. then we come out, i was shocked, d and yf prepare a cake and their presents. after eating my dinner, i go hme after saying bye to d and yf. this is my best birthday ever! :)

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